Aliya Tang

2015 FRQ Question 2

2015 Collegeboard FRQ Question 2 Consider a guessing game in which a player tries to guess a hidden word. The hidden word contains only capital letters and has a length known to the player. A guess...

2015 FRQ Question 1

2015 Collegeboard FRQ Question 1 a. Write a static method arraySum that calculates and returns the sum of the entries in a specified one-dimensional array. The following example shows an array arr1...

2015 FRQ

2015 Collegeboard FRQ Question 1 a. Write a static method arraySum that calculates and returns the sum of the entries in a specified one-dimensional array. The following example shows an array arr1...

Tri2 N@TM Blog

Two Trimester Focus Planing Test Data Tri 2 Aesthetics: 9/10 Fun: 5/10 Educational: 10/10 Come back again for long term sign up account: 7/10 Sign up data from users and game stats ...

Thymeleaf Lesson

What is ThymeLeaf Thymeleaf is a template engine for server-side Java applications to create to create pages that can be displayed with within the browser. It can process the following templates: ...

User Profile JavaScript/HTML Lesson

Update/Delete User Info In this section we will be explaining how data for the user would be updated and deleted in the Java Springboot backend. First, make sure you have this repository clone...

Spring POST Lesson

UML Backend Diagram Link to IMG: https://ibb.co/dmJMqJD SPRING POST Comprehensive Guide to RESTful API Methods and HTTP Status Codes for Users RESTful API Methods for Users 1. GET: /users D...

Key Assets and Projects

Trimester 1 Project - A-REEL Board Purpose The A-REEL Board is a website meant to help organization and collaboration within a team. It includes separate features that users can users and teams can...

Login Lesson

Login and Sign up Page Lesson Sign up/Login Wireframes What the common HTML elements needed Container: The Div that holds all the elements inside of it, first layer Common SASS that...

Collegeboard 2015 MCQ Notes

Score: 39/39 Things I searched while taking the quiz Does substring end with the endIndex (Q21): substring(int beginIndex, int endIndex) : The substring begins at the specified beginIndex and ...