Aliya Tang

Job Interview

Nighthawk Coders Content Creation Internship Goals: Introduce new students to computer science and its applications Introduce collaboration skills that are necessary in college and career Sh...

Workshop 3 - Searching

7.5 Searching What does college board want you to know Differences in searching using arrayList and arrays Types of searches: sequential (linear) and binary Searching for a double vs int vs...

Workshop 3 - ArrayList

Unit 7: ArrayList Mastering the concept of Java’s ArrayList. AP Exam weighting: 2.5-7.5%. 7.1: ArrayList Intro ArrayLists are dynamic, meaning their size can grow or shrink as needed, but ...

Workshop 3 - 2D Arrays

8.1: Declaring + Initializing 2D Arrays; Determining their Review: Arrays are a collection (list) of elements (primitive or object reference type data) So, a 2-Dimensional array is an ar...

Workshop 3 - Arrays

6.1 - Intro to Arrays Arrays are used to store one type of data, whether it is a primitive or reference data type. Arrays themselves are reference types. They are best thought of as a list of item...

Algorithm Dance Blog

Preparation Diversity: 7 girls 6 boys 3 full team practices (2 Panera meet up to write/finalize script, 1 Lunch Practice) Diagram Advertising/Publishing Email: codemaxxers@gmail.com ...

Algorithmic Sort

Sorting Dance Sorting the Algorithmic Dance for our performance of bachelors and ratings. People are sorted in order from least to greatest based on their given ratings. Comparable and compareTo R...

Inheritance in APCSA (Unit 9)

Free Response Questions Question 1 - Pojos and Access Control: Situation: The school librarian wants to create a program that stores all of the books within the library in a database and is used t...

Inheritance in APCSA (Unit 9)

Review on Inheritance Basics of Inheritance: Superclass and Subclass: In Java, a superclass (or base class) is the class being inherited from, while a subclass (or derived class) is the class t...

Workshop FRQ 1 Hacks

Question 1 Hacks Part 1 public class Person { String name; int age; int height; String job; public Person(String name, int age, int height, String job) { this.name = n...