College Board MCQ: This is an image On some questions, I wasn’t too sure and just used process of elimination to answer. It’s helpful to look through results and see the explanation of correct answers.

1.3 Daily Video 1

Essential Knowledge:

  • A development process can be ordered and intentional or exploratory in nature.
  • There are multiple development processes. Theses phases are commonly used when developing a program:
    • investigating and reflecting
    • designing
    • prototyping
    • testing
  • A development process that is iterative requires refinement and revision based on feedback, testing, or reflection throughout the process. This may require revisiting earlier phases of the process.
  • A development process that is incremental is one that breaks the problem into smaller pieces and makes sure each piece works before adding it to the whole.
  • The design of a program incorporates investigation to determine its requirements.
  • Investigation in a development process is useful for understanding and identifying the program constraints, as well as the concerns and interests of the people who will use the program.
  • Some ways to preform investigation:
    • collect data through surveys
    • user tsting
    • interviews
    • direct observation
  • Program requirement s describe how a program fucntions and may include a description of user interactions that a program must provide
  • A program’s specificaiton defines the requirements for the program
  • In a development process, the design phase outlines how to accomplisha given program specification
  • The desing phase a a program may include:
    • brainstorming
    • planning and storyboarding
    • organizing the program into moduels and fucntional components
    • creation of diagrams that represent the laouts of the user interface
    • development of a testing strategy for the program

1.3 Daily Video 2

Essential Knowledge:

  • It is important to acknowledge any code segments that were devloped collaboratively or by another source
  • Acknowledgement of a code segment(s) written by someone else and used in a program can be in the program documentation. the acknowledgement should incldue the orgiin or original author’s name.

1.3 Daily Video 3

Essential Knowledge:

  • Program documentation is a written description of the function of a code segment, event, procedure, or program, and how it was developed
  • Comments are a form of program documentation written into the program to be read by people, and od not affect how a program runs
  • Programmers should document a program throughout it sdevelopment
  • Program documentation helps in devloping and maintaining correct programs when working indiviudally or in collaborative programming environments
  • Not all programming environments support commennts, so other methods of documentation may be required