College Board MCQ: This is an image

1.2 Daily Video 1

Essential Knowledge:

  • The purpose of computing innovation sis to solve porblems or to pursue interests through creative expression
  • An understanding of the purpose of computing innovation provides developers with an imporved ability to develop that computing innovation

Computing Innovations


  • Applications (games, social media, business, productivity)
  • Physical devices (computers, smart phones/tablets, smart “things”, wearables)
  • Systems (e-commerce, cloud services, email)

Investigate the purpose of these computing innovations:

  • Social media apps: allows users to connect from a distance and archive their activies
  • E-commerce: allows users to save time and money by being able to shop from home
  • Digital assistant device: allows users to control their devices hands free, safer while driving or more convinient when multitasking

1.2 Daily Video 2

Essential Knowledge:

  • Program inputs are data sent to a computer for processing by a program. Input can come in avariety of forms, such as tactile, audio, visual, or text
  • An event is associated wiht an action and supplies input data to a program
  • Events can be generated when a key is pressed, a mouse is clicked, a program is started, or any other defined action occurs that affects the flow of execution
  • Inputs usually affect the output produced by a program
  • In event driven programming, program statements are executed when triggered rather than through the sequential flow of control
  • Input can come from a user or other programs
  • Program outputs are any data sent from a program to a device. Program output can come in a variety of forms, such as tactile, audio, visual, or text
  • Program output is usually based on a program’s input or prior state (ex: internal values)

Identifying inputs to programs Computer programs accept input in a variety of diff forms:

  • tactile (touch)
  • audio
  • visual
  • text (including numberical values)

  • Smart phones, tablets, and laptops can accept input as well

How do programs receive input?

  • Most programs are written in an event driven environment, events are triggered by some action which usually sends input ot the program
  • Events users can trigger include mouse clicks, screen taps/swipes(force touch)
  • Physical button clicks
  • Keyboard entries
  • Audio trigger (key word or phrase)

What does input accomplish in a program?

  • Input usually affects the output, which includes visual, audio, tactile, text

How does a program know what to do upon an event?

  • Action may be initated by the user or another program/device
  • The program “jumps” to the code segment according to the event
  • Output is triggered by the code segment (or additional events are triggered)
  • Program code not necessarily executed “in order’, they are as they are called according to the events triggered

1.2 Daily Video 3

Essential Knowledge

  • A program is a collection of program statemetns that preforms a specific task when run by a computer. A program is often reffered to as software
  • A code segment is a collection of program statemtns that is part of a program
  • A program needs to work for a variety of input sand situations

What is a program?

  • A collection of statements
  • A statement is a single command
  • A group of statements is called code segment
  • Code segments are exectued according to the rules of the programming language


  • The behavior of a program is how a program cuntions during execution and is foten describe by how a user interacts with it
  • A program can be described broadly by what it does, or more in detail by both what the program does and how the program statemtns accomplish this function

Program function and Purpose Questions

  1. Do we have final project ideas for a PBL Web Project? We are thinking of doing a game similar to Wordle

  2. Are we considering a project that is best for our educational purpose? I think a Wordle project would have a lot of aspects that would challenge us and let us learn

  3. Is the project going to hold team members interest for 8 weeks? Yes, this project is something we are all interested in an it is pretty complex

  4. Does the project have potential for someone to use it beyond the 8 weeks? ie Customer or Sponsor needed? Yes, it is a fun game that everyone can play

  5. Does the project have potential to be used for Create Performance Task submission? Yes, it is complex and meets the requirements