College Board MCQ: This is an image

1.1 Daily Video 1 - Collaboration

Computing innovations are improved through collaboartion. Effective interpersonal skills should be demonstrated during collaborations.


  • Facebook has a good and beautiful environment where people can get together

  • Effective collaboration produces a computing innovation that reflects the diversity of talents and perspectives of those who designed it.

    • Computing innovation:
      • Includes a program as an intergral part of its function
      • Can be physical (ex: self-driving car)
      • Can be nonphysical computing softaware (ex: picture editing software)
      • Can be nonphyscial computing ocncept (ex: e-commerce)


  • Super Mario Brothers 2 vs. Super Mario Brothers 3
    • Super Mario Brothers 2:
      • Designed by Kensuke Tanabe
      • Vertical OR horizontal level design
    • Super Mario Brothers 3:
      • Kensuke Tanabe and Shigure collaborated
        • Tanabe: level designer
        • Miyamoto: director
      • Many new amazing features:
        • Vertical AND horizontal level design
        • Left, right, up and down
        • Could even go behind things
      • Outcome of computer engineering and hardware engineering designers, sound and music specialists, etc, working together
  • Collabaration that includes diverse perspectives and talents helps avoid bias in the devlopment of computing innovations. reflecing those who designed it

  • Takeaways:
    • Interpersonal skills learned through collboartion, they can be used anywhere:
      • communication
      • consenseus building
      • conflict resolution
      • negotiation
    • “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” -African Proverb

1.1 Daily Video 2 - Collaboration Computing innovations are imrpoved through collaborations. Computing innovations are developed by groups of people.

Example: Collaborate in class: - Pair programming: one programmer writes code and one reviews each line, checking for any mistakes or giving any suggestions - Think-Pair-Share: student thinks through problem alone, then pairs up with a partner to share ideas, then shares results with the whole class

- Leave comments in code: 
    - communicate to partners and yourself
    - acknowledge code segments and media used from other sources
    - differentiate you and your partners work
    - clarify the functionality of your code

Online Tools for collaboration:
    - multiplayer
    - GitHub: collaboration and repostiory
    - Shared document or folder
    - Note: Check with your teacher about your coding platform

Takeaways: Consulting with other people is important, as you can get multiple perspectives and what others think about your program (you may miss your own faults and mistakes) There are many online tools you can find by searching, see what works best for you and your partner. :)

Is my group setup strictly on the basis of current friends and common interests?

  • No, not stricly. Though I first joined my group because I was former classmates of some of the members, I think this allows us to work well together and communicate.

Is my group setup with diversity in backgrounds, gender, and perspectives?

  • Yes, my group has diverse backgrounds and perspectives. These differences allow us combine multiple different ideas and help when others make mistakes.

Is my group best equipped for the skill sets needed for success in classroom?

  • I think my group has many different skill sets that prove useful when collaborating. Even if we don’t have a certain skill set or run into a problem, we are able to figure it out together.