Night at the Museum Blog:

Our Project

We presented our Cafegato project to many people at NATM and got many comments and valuable feedback. My Wordle game was pretty popular, as it was a game that a lot of people recognized and could be played an unlimited amount of times. However, many people overlooked the leaderboard function, so that would be something I should work on more to incorporate into the Wordle part of the project more. My group member’s projects were also a success, many people enjoyed the RPG game and thought it was fun to experiment with the reviews and events databases. Tanisha’s reviews database had a small issue where people could rate above 5 stars and mess up the rating, but she fixed this quickly after. Here is a pic of our group: This is an image

Other CS Projects

I saw many other interesting CS projects, such as mind guessing games and nutrition databases. This is an image

A CSP project that I saw that I especially enjoyed was this “name countries starting with a certain letter game”. Though the program was quite simple, I liked how the game was challenging and fun, especially with friends, and I could also learn from it. This is an image

Other Classes Projects

Besides presenting our project, receiving feedback on it, and checking out other CS projects, I was also able to walk around to see the other classes projects/pieces. Some of the ones I saw included mixed media, ceramics, photography, 3d animation, and jazz band: This is an image This is an image This is an image This is an image

I especially liked the ceramics and mixed media pieces. Specicially, this funny among us sculpture, and this art piece that combined several cool shapes and colors together. It was very cool to be able to see how DNHS students in other classes are utilizing their creativity. This is an image This is an image