Night at the Museum:

This is an image Here is a picture of my group checking our code, deciding who to present what, and practicing presentings. Besides presenting at the Night of the Museum, I was able to see other projects. I saw many different types of art, such as studio art and ceramics.

This is an image I think it was espeically cool to see the AP CSA students’ projects. It gave me an idea of what type of stuff they are working with and how advanced it is, and even gave me some ideas for future projects I could do. Here, me and claire are looking at a CSA group project that connected songs and moods. You could rate what mood you thought a song was, generate a song based on your mood, etc.

Things to improve on

  • Better time management
  • Usage of API
  • Learn all areas

Ideas for trimester two NATM project:

  • Something besides a game, more practical
  • Catalog with different songs, recipes, etc
  • Dictionary with words and definitions and thesaurus with synonyms and antonyms of words