Score: 23/25

This is an image

Problems I Got Wrong


My (wrong) answer: This is an image Correct answer: This is an image I thought that lossless compression would result in a file that’s about the same size as the original file to preserve as much data as possible, but that is false. Instead, for lossy compression, fewer bits may be stored, but information is not necessarily lost when lossy compression is applied to an image, so the transmission reduction time will be not be any different than that of the lossless compression data.


My (wrong) answer: This is an image Correct answer: This is an image The total dollar amount of food an drinks sold could have a correlation/be related to the attendance at a show but it can’t be used to determine the exact number or people who attended. I thought that this would’ve been the best answer upon seeing hte toher options. However, the average ticket price would be the right answer because to calclate angerage it invovles the total amout of people who attend, because it is the average ticket price divided by the total amount of all tickets sold (which is known).

Problems I Had Trouble On


This is an image This one confused me a little at first with the third option, becuase I thought that the teacher COULD determine if the students had higher grades based on information outside of the survey. However, it is important to notice that the survey is anonymous, meanign that the teacher can’t detect any correlation between the survey information and the grades.


This is an image For this one I first approached it with process of elimination, since the answer choices were pretty long. I knew that A wasn’t right becase you can’t just add the seven greatest amoutns and divide to find the average. I also saw that B couldn’t be correct because one person’s payment method could be used for several different items, as in one person can buy a lot of different items. C confused me a little at first because I thought it was right because of the matching thing, however it also didn’t make sense how it could sort if the individual item prices weren’t in the store records. That left the last one, which made sense because it is just seeing the total number of items bought on a given date by going to that date then adding each number of items from all the transactions.


This is an image The multiple/select two answers ones always confuse me some, this one especially. I had to figure out the hright order of filtering and sorting to get the desired entry. To do this I also used process of elimination. I first noticed that the no year ones would be ignored, meaning that there would have to be a filter by year in the steps. So I eliminated C. I also noticed that the photographer and year were the only relevant categories in this (not subject), so I eliminated A as well. That left me with B and D, which made sense too based on their orders it allowed for a entry that met the criteria for the name of the photographer of the oldest photograph.

Reflect on problems:

I definetly need to review the sample program problems where it asks which program is correct or what the output is the program is. The problem itself isn’t too hard, but there are many components that you can get mixed up. Next time or on the AP test, it owuld definitely be helpful to have scratch paper to write down the steps so I can see it in front of me visually. Also, I think I just have to be more thorough when reading the problem, answer, or sample program. Many of the mistakes I made could have been easily avoidable if I just took some time to reread the content more carefully.