Score: 45/50

This is an image

Problems I got wrong


This is an image The answer is that the robot will be moved to the gray square in grid 1 only, not none of the grids. Initially with this program, I thought that the robot would get stuck in the middle and go around in infinite loops. Upon closer look, that only happens for grid 2, because it gets to a point where the robot can move forward, left, or right and it gets stuck in a the repeat until loop forever.


This is an image The algorithm should be D, as it selects 1 student from the group fo 30 then selects another from the remaining 29 students, allowing for any possible pair of students to be sleected. The one I chose spilts the class in half, and doesn’t allow for any possible pair of students to be chosen.


This is an image Program B doesn’t identify the correct winner team for all the situations, for example if scoreA is greater than scoreC which is greater than scoreB. In this case, it identifys Team C instead of Team A as the winner. The correct program is A, where all the test cases work.


This is an image Since “happy” is displayed in proc1 and proc1 is before display(str1) in proc2, the “happy” should be before the “birthday”. Thus, the right answer should be D, which is “to you happy birthday”. Simple mistake…


This is an image For this one, I didn’t select 2 answers. The other answer along with the one I chose should be that the simulation can be used to model real-world events that are impracticlef or epxeriments. Simple mistake…

Problems I struggled with


This is an image There is much user information in browser cookies, so if it is used by websites that the user visits, the user can be tracked and information can be collected on them. This is the greatest potential for compromising a user’s personal privacy compared to the other options. The IP address doesn’t contain extra information about the user besides the address of the user’s computer that is required for the user to send and recieve info on the internet. The user’s email address can be ocnsidered personal, but overall it is pretty public and doesn’t contain any extra information about the user. The public key is posted for others to use and it is meant to be public and doesn’t compromise personal privacy.


This is an image For options 1 and 3, the Creative Commons liscence would be good. This is because this liscense increases the amount of content avaible to the public for free. In options 1 and 3, the author encourages people to use and spread their content, while in option 2 the author doesn’t want it to be spread.


This is an image When 5 and 3 are added, the result is 8, which is 1000 in binary. Since it onlyd5 uses 3 bits to represented integers, 1000 can’t be stored since it is 4 digits. Thus, there are too many digits and an error occurs, which is called an overflow error.

Reflect on problems:

I definetly need to review the sample program problems where it asks which program is correct or what the output is the program is. The problem itself isn’t too hard, but there are many components that you can get mixed up. Next time or on the AP test, it owuld definitely be helpful to have scratch paper to write down the steps so I can see it in front of me visually. Also, I think I just have to be more thorough when reading the problem, answer, or sample program. Many of the mistakes I made could have been easily avoidable if I just took some time to reread the content more carefully.