Score: 46/50

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Questions I got wrong


This is an image Input B doesn’t matter, because the first logic gate is composed with OR. This means the output will be true if either one of A OR B is true. Since A is true, it doesn’t matter what B is, the output will be true and it will be inputted to the next gate. In the next gate, since C is true as well, and C AND the other input are both true, the output will be true too.


This is an image Searching is not a programming structure. Here, selection can choose which integers in the list are even to add them up.


This is an image B) would be result is ture if val1 OR not val2, so it is not correct. Instead, the other correct answer should be D), it checks if both val1 and not val2 conditions are met.


This is an image Initally I though algorithm B didn’t correct the correct answer because it said there was one student remaining standing. After, I realized that this student is the total sum of all the students so the number after dividing this students sum by 32 is the average.

Questions I had trouble on


This is an image At first I was confused what the (1,3) and the (1,2) were, but then I realized that it chooses a random number between those and assigns it to x and y, respectively.


This is an image I’m not completely familiar with decimal/hexadecimal/binary/ascii etc conversion. The way I did this was by first trying to conver the hexadecimal 56 to decimal. I did this by dividing 56 by seeing which of the decimal numbers divided by 16 was the closest to 5. 80 divided by 16 is 5. So, I now know that 80 hexidecimal in decimal is 50 (5*10). Then I just added 6 to 50 because 86-80 is 6. So the decimal of 86 hexidecimal is 56, which is V on the table. After searching up online, I found a formula, but this is just the way I did it during the quiz.