Purpose and Audience + Goals

  • management for ASB Club executives
  • provide students with campus club list
  • make it so club list is easier to update/check
  • make it so club members can update info easier

Features and Designs

  • Navigation bar, school picture
  • Club list database
  • Club review database
  • Club documents/meetings
  • Club search

Model, View, Control Flow

  1. Input fields - user input data
  2. Submit - send data to backend and added to table
  3. Basic table + roles - database structure, info added to table and saved
  4. Saving files - meeting mins saved at files

Systems and Software

  • spring for backend deployed on the AWS instance
  • hosted on github pages for frontend
  • modeling relationships for database

Project Development Plan and Scrum Board

  • Each person makes plan of what they will do each week
  • Help stay on track and finish all tasks to finish by deadline
  • Scrum board organization


  • innovation over points
  • quality over quantity
  • creativy over criteria
  • continuous integration over delivery