Score: 63/67 - 94%

This is an image

Problems I got wrong and/or struggled with


  • Skill 5.E
  • 5.5 Daily Video 1 This is an image Sharing on a peer-to-peer network would violate copyright. However, if you get permmission from the copyright owner themself to use the files it wouldn’t violate copyright and be considered acceptable.


  • Skill 5.A
  • 4.1 Daily Video 1, 2 This is an image IPv6 isn’t for users to bypass security protocols or send data peer-to-peer. Instead it is for internet protocol ADDRESSES, IPv4 has 32-bit address length and IPv6 has 128-bit address length. IPv6 is more advanced and has better features, such as being able to provide an infinite number of addresses, thus allowing for devices to be connected.


  • Skill 1.D
  • 3.17 Daily Video 1, 2 This is an image Initally I thought II wouldn’t run in reaosnable time because n is a large integer, and having to access each elelemnt in the list a large number of times would take a long time, it is n^2. However, n^2 is a reasonable time. Same with the other ones, the first is 2n which is reasonable and the last is 10 which is reasonable.


  • Skill 5.E
  • 5.5 Daily Video 1 This is an image Open-source software can be updated without the involvemnt of the original programmers, so it is considered an advantage. However, there is no gurantee that the orginal developer will make it free or low cost, so C is NOT an advantage.

Reflect on problems:

Before the AP exams, I definitely want to review more of the concept based problems like Internet Protocol, Time Complexity, Copyright, and Open-Source Software. Skill 5 questions looks like a recoccuring topic that I got several wrong questionson this time. I am fine with the code block problems, but I just have to be careful and not rush on those ones.