2018 MCQ Reflection
2018 MCQ problems I got wrong/had trouble on
Score: 61/66
Problems I got wrong and/or struggled with
- Skill 3.B
- 3.12 Daily Video 1, 2 D is incorrect because it moves the robot forward 3 times instead of 2 before turning, so the correct answer would be B.
- Skill 1.D
- 4.2 Daily Video 1, 2 C is incorrect because there are multiple paths from P to S, so it is possible to have redundant routing between these computers. B is correct because there is only one possible path between.
- Skill 2.B
- 2.4 Daily Video 1, 2 A is incorrect because it assigns only one score to adjustedTotal. B is correct because Max procedure is used to replace midterm score with the higher of the two scores, added and assigned correctly.
- Skill 2.B
- 2.4 Daily Video 1, 2 Option III also works, not just option II. In any case where shorten step is after keep palindromes step it works.
- Skill 4.C
- 1.4 Daily Video 1, 2, 3 I chose B instead of D for one of the correct answers. B is not the answer because the list [20, 10, 30, 40], 10, the second value, is smaller than 20, the first value in the list. So, Bis the first value smaller than the first number in the list, so it returns 10 which the correct value. The question asks which of these will return incorrect value.
Reflect on problems:
Based on the problems I got wrong and had trouble on, I definitely need to be more careful on the asking what the code segment does type problems, and the output/return type problems. For skill specifically, I should review 2.B because I got two wrong there.