John and Ashley’s Experiences

  • Ashley works in computing group, applied physics
  • Not the easiest transition, especially in STEM
  • Though she failed several classes and struggled, she didn’t let failures define her and kept going on
  • John started at Palomar college after highschool, then transferred to CSUSM right when COVID hit
  • Computer science very important, used in many different STEM fields and is very versatile

CSUSM STEM - Cal State San Marcos

  • CSUSM has a small campus so you have a great support system and more room to constantly change curriculum
  • Highest turnover for Cal State College
  • Many job and internship oppurtunites
  • Many different pathways: chem, biochem, physics, circuits, computer science, cyber security, computer and electrical engineering
  • Departments: physics, biotechnology, biological science, Math, computer science, software engineering, electrical engineering
  • Clubs: Cybersecurity, robotics, 3D printing, WOmen in STEM, soceity of Women Engineers, Scoiety of Physics Students, National Scoeity of Black Engineers, oSTEM


  • Get internships: Networking, campus events , join clubs, check email, Google
  • Tips: Avoid unpaid internships, ask others to read over application

Paying for College

  • Grant: government paid, depends on family income
  • Scholarship: privately funded, you have to look for them yourself
  • Loans: try to avoid getting a loan, but if you have to there are two types, subsidized and ubsubsidized
  • Subsidized: You don’t have to worry about interest until 6 months after you graduate
  • Ubsubsidized: Interest accumulates right when you graduate

Life After CSUSM

  • Graduate school
  • Teaching programs


A key takeaway I had from this presentation was the understanding that your failures don’t define you. When listening to Ashley’s experiences of struggling and failing classes, I saw that she was able to openly talk about these failures. She didn’t let these failures define her, instead, she kept moving forward, using it to learn and grow as a person. I admire her ability to talk so openly about her experience. It showed me that even though grades are important in some aspects of academic success, it isn’t the defining factor in someone’s success. You shouldn’t fear or stop doing what you love just because of a letter in the grade book. It is important to nuture your passions and see where they can take you. At CSUSM, there are many different oppurtunities for students to pursue their interests in certain fields. There is a wide variety of resources, programs, clubs, and suppport systems, including interships and industry partnerships that provide students the tools to proceed in their careers. We can take advantage of these resources and focus on our own learning experiences (instead of grades) to walk towards a bright future.