Home Tri2 N@TM Blog

Tri2 N@TM Blog

Two Trimester Focus Planing

Test Data Tri 2

  • Aesthetics: 9/10
  • Fun: 5/10
  • Educational: 10/10
  • Come back again for long term sign up account: 7/10
  • Sign up data from users and game stats
    1. Login (Person database)
    2. Leaderboard(Gamesession database for times)


  • Make games more fun/appealing (Ex: animations, more levels to appeal to people’s competitiveness).
  • Format educaional vulnerability database to be more readable. Right now it’s very text oriented and the text is sqiushed/formatted weird, and maybe there should more visuals.
  • User scores visible on profile page for when they login and leaderboard, show every game session of the user to show progress and motivate them
  • POST request, leaderboard connect with users to make post request work. make name show up instead of id


  • Better games, spot the difference and password games are both limiting in the sense that they lose user interest fast
  • Finish leaderboard and make it work
  • Endless runner game: character is a cybersecurity analyst who hops over obstacles including bugs, viruses, etc. after certain distances are run, quiz questions pop up. Failure to answer means game over, correct answers allow you to continue, etc.



  • Stepped out of my comfort zone to tackle something I hadn’t done a lot before - deployment
  • More proficiency in JAVA, good for AP exam!
  • Learned how to self manage a repository with separate branches and pull requests
  • Password strength check algorithm that dealt with entropy scoring, new and required extra research.


  • Learn how to debug on the backend to be able to solve backend challenges
  • Understand sever failures and different errors (500, 504, 503 errors)
  • Get better at demos and presenting and using tech terminology
  • Be more organized and efficient with branches and pull requests
  • Choose projects that have new and interesting aspects that will help us grow and keep us motivated

    NATM Event

    Presenting to people pictures: pic1 pic2 pic3


    1. Something you saw in CompSci that impressed:
  • RIFT Project
  • Fun, advanced, and professional frotend design -> high user appeal
  • Game layout used external program Tiles with tiles that each have an array. Controls where on the layout a character can or can’t go on
  • Leaderboard, database, sortd on backend, GET request on frontend
  • Images: pic4 pic5
    1. Something you saw outside of CompSci that you liked
  • We saw some very detailed and cute ceramics projects
  • I thought this duck teapot was super creative with the water coming out of it’s mouth and thought the ocean animal mugs were super impressive. pic6 pic7
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