Home Key Assets and Projects

Key Assets and Projects

Trimester 1 Project - A-REEL Board


The A-REEL Board is a website meant to help organization and collaboration within a team. It includes separate features that users can users and teams can use.


  • AI chat feature to generate meeting notes
  • Log in and SMS messaging/anouncement
  • Store meeting notes into database

Key commits:

Frontend SMS Function


Trimester 2 Mini Project - AVK Art Gallery


The AVK Art gallery was the sorting project we did for the mini project during the first we weeks of trimester 2. The project showcases an art gallery with a multitude of art pieces, where users can interact with by liking it. Users can choose a speicifc sort method to sort the art pieces by number of likes, and see the visualition of the art pieces sorting, the number of steps to sort, and the time to sort in nanoseconds. The sorting was the main thing I worked on in this project. The project also has a Fibonnaci portion that allows a user to input a number nth term to generate a pieces of art.


  • Sorting function of art pieces by like
  • Sorting animation visualization
  • Fiboannaci sort and art generator

Key Commits:


All Github Commits


Upcoming Project

We plan to implement a Geoguessr inspired game that helps people recognize and learn geography. The project is more so one whole thing with closely interacting features, instead of multiple isolated features, which was something we kept in mind when coming up with the idea to ensure more collaborataon than last trimester. I’m excited to implement this because I’ve never worked with 3d looking maps, and it can also help with geography skill, which is something I struggle on.

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