Home I Love My Tools!

I Love My Tools!

I Love My Tools!

Become one with your tools. They could be more important than code, code, code.

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Distributed Vesion Control

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  • GitHub: Amazing collaboration features, making it super easy to work together. I find it super cool how we can work on the same project simultaneously, and how we can track changes, manage conflicts, merge contributions very easily.

  • Visual Studio Code: VSCode’s versatility, it has a huge extension system - various programming language, workflows, frameworks. Also, even though VSCode isn’t an Integrated Development Environment (IDE), unlike Visual Studio, it still has a lot of IDE-like features such as a built in terminal, code completion, formatting, debugging, etc. Very nice! It also has a very user friendly interface as well, we have a customizable environment to alter to our own needs. I love changing my VSCode to minimalist and a light color theme for a clean and organized look!

  • GitHub Pages: It has easy hosting for a static website directly from GitHub repositories. We can easily showcase our projects, blogs, portfolios etc. WITHOUT dealing with a bunch of complex server set ups or separate web hosting services! Also, since it is integrated with Git, we can easily update the wesbite just by pushing changes to the repository.

  • Homebrew: Simplifies software installation on macOS, we can install a wide range of sofware, libraries, and tools just with this because it rovides a command-line package manager. This saves SO much time and effort in setting up development environment, because now we don’t have to manually download, configure, and install each package!

  • Docker: It makes the deployment of apps way easier, which ensures consistency across different environments and minimizes compatibility issues. More efficient development and deployment workflows!!

  • Jupyter Notebook: Interactive web-based environment, documents can contain live code and can be shared! It can be used for data science, analysis, visualization, etc.

  • Slack: As Mr.Mortenson said, it is like a formal version of Discord. Through slack, we can create channels for organized communication, making collaboration super efficient.

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